
Champs and Banquet RSVP

If you have not already done so, please RSVP by noon tomorrow either yes or no on the team website www.lakeforestswim.com for Champs so the coaches know you are available for an A or B relay even if your swimmer does not make it to Champs for an individual event. We need at least 8 in each age group. The website may say your child did not qualify, however, you can still mark attending for the event! We also still need several volunteers for Champs; if your child is going, your family must volunteer.

Also, last chance to RSVP for the Banquet Party by the Pool to be held on Sunday at 6 pm. Food for the swimmers is free but you must RSVP to be in the food count. Payment will be collected at the banquet. This is where pennants, pins, special coaches awards and medals won at Champs will be distributed. Pool party to follow!

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